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    작성자 test008
    댓글 댓글 0건   조회Hit 2회   작성일Date 24-07-24 13:45


    The message I want to convey more is, "I hope that one person named Jung Yu-ra will not harm http://horsesite77.com Amon's special athletes. Most of the students have exercised since they were young and still take time out of school. Not all special athletes do like Jeong Yu-ra. I have a friend who goes to college now. I go to Hanyang University and I take classes all day on Mondays and Tuesdays. That's why I couldn't come today. Tomorrow, I take classes, and http://horsesite77.com come to exercise after 3 p.m. They take classes and come to exercise. Most of them sign up for classes themselves, and come and exercise even if it's late in the afternoon. Few such athletes have switched schools. I would like to say that not all special athletes in sports are like Jeong Yu-ra. "Most athletes start exercising with the ambition of winning http://horsesite77.com medals in the Olympics and Asian Games. I don't think I'm just going to go to college after horseback riding. Students who go to college and compete in http://horsesite77.com college dream of trying out for the next Asian Games and do both school


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